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The correct answer is Gordon Moore, who co-founded Intel Corporation in 1968 alongside Robert Noyce. Moore is best known for his prediction known as Moore's Law, which observed that the number of transistors on a microchip would double approximately every two years, leading to an exponential increase in computing power. This insight not only influenced the development of computer technology but also shaped the strategic direction of the semiconductor industry.

Understanding Intel's history is crucial, as it has been a significant player in the technology sector, and Gordon Moore's contributions have been foundational to the advancements in microprocessor design and manufacturing. This knowledge highlights the integral role Intel has played in the evolution of personal computing and modern electronic devices.

The other individuals listed, although prominent figures in the tech industry, are known for their contributions to different companies and technologies. Bill Gates co-founded Microsoft, a major player in software development, while Steve Jobs is recognized for founding Apple Inc. and his role in popularizing personal computing and mobile devices. Mark Zuckerberg is known for creating Facebook and transforming social media. Their contributions are significant, but they are not connected to the founding of Intel.